The Federal Administration proposal of Vigneswaran passed

The Federal Administration proposal of Vigneswaran passed

The Federal Administration proposal of Vigneswaran passed

The resolution adopted by the Chief Minister of Northern Province CV Vigneswaran to merge the Northern province and the Eastern province and to have a federal administration has been passed in the northern province office when it was presented.There have been however other suggestions by
some members of the northern council.

This resolution is to be presented to the government and it clearly states all the steps that need to be taken to form a Federal administration in the north and east.The Tamil National Alliance which comprises members from all parties in the north and east had appointed committees and discussed these new proposals among people in all districts in the north and with all organizations before the resolution was prepared.

They have suggested that a separate administration unit to be established to give redress to all war affected persons.

During the voting two UPFA  Sinhala members Wannihamige Jayatilleke and Dharmapala Seneviratne had voted against the proposal which was presented to the members by the Chief Minister of northern province CV Vigneswaran.This proposal was presented on the 22nd at the northern province office.All the other members of the northern province office had voted for the propsal.

This proposal is to be presented for the perusal of the Leader of the Opposition also the leader of the TNA on the 28th instant.

The two members of the UPFA  who opposed for this merge and for the Federal government had said this proposal need to be presented to the Prime Minister or the Leader of the House and not to Sambandan of the TNA.

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