Sri Lankan housemaid killed in Oman

Sri Lankan housemaid killed in Oman

Sri Lankan housemaid killed in Oman

A Sri Lankan housemaid living in Oman was found by Oman Police day before yesterday (16) with her neck severed. It was reported that this housemaid who had been living in a hostel in
Alhai close to the town of Muscat in Oman had been involved in a love affair with a Pakistan national and she had on the sly has had a relationship with a Bangla Desh national too in the process, it was reported.

This association having either got caught to the Pakistani or for some other reason the Pakistan national concerned had killed her and had fled from the area. The Oman Police have started investigations on this matter. The Bangla Desh national has been taken into custody for the purpose of interrogating and finding out information concerning this illicit association with the victim who incidentally was a resident of Kurunegala.

According to police reports in that country, though the dead body had been recovered day before yesterday, the murder had been committed some days before, it has been revealed. Whatever it is, according to the law in that country, the burial has to be effected 4 days after death and because she had left Sri Lanka even without registering with the Foreign Employment Bureau, bringing her dead body to the island has become a problem. Mrs. Thalatha Athukorala, Minister of Foreign Services has mentioned that it is difficult to accept responsibility in bringing the body to the island because the victim has not registered with the Foreign Employment Bureau prior to her departure.
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