Red light to Malinga from India after going for IPL

Red light to Malinga from India after going for IPL - to face  SLC disciplinary inquiry

Red light to Malinga from India after going for IPL - to face  SLC disciplinary inquiry

The former Sri Lanka's T/20 cricket captain Lasith Malinga had been ailing and taking treatment for a knee injury which prevented him from accepting the T/ 20 captaincy and playing in the ICC World T/20 tournament held recently in India.

The Chairman of Sri Lanka cricket Thilanga Sumathipala with the authorities of the SLC institution had not allowed Lasith Malinga to leave to India without the permission and consulting a physician appointed by them.However Malinga had left to India without the permission of the cricket institute.

The authorities of the IPL had made arrangements to have his knee injury checked by doctors in India .They have found that he needs four months rest to recover and he is not fit to represent the IPL.Thus he had returned to Sri Lanka.

Hence Lasith Malinga had returned back to Sri Lanka.It is believed that Malinga had left to India as he would have to forego the sum of nearly rupees 17 billion that he was contracted for.

During this episode he had via the media had underestimated some veteran cricketers and also breached the rules of the SLC institution.
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