Quoting Panama Papers a list of veteran Sri Lankan's in the internet

Quoting Panama Papers a list of veteran Sri Lankan's in the internet

Quoting Panama Papers a list of veteran Sri Lankan's in the internet

These days a very interesting topic is about the Panama papers.Those politicians worldwide who have been laundering money and have deposited money in Panama have been revealed to the world by the related authorities.The names of some distinguished politicians in a number of western countries have
been named and there is chaos situation in the respective counties.There were indications that the names of three politicians of Sri Lanka are also named.However instead of the names of these three politicians some names of veteran Sri Lanka have gone viral in the internet.

However in the  I C I J web site of the  experimentation media personnel society these old names have been also published and they are the names that were published three years ago in the year 2013.There are 46 such persons in the list that had been circulated and they are already blacklisted.

It is reported that some have thought that this list is the new names.However the names of the three Sri Lankans who are in the Panama papers have not yet been disclosed.
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