Mahinda's security apprehends suspicious man

Mahinda's security apprehends suspicious man

A certain person found suspiciously loitering around Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa's Battaramulla co-ordinating office was taken into police custody this afternoon. 

When the group of United Opposition MPs gathered together there under the leadership of the former President, this particular suspicious person happened to be loitering there. As he showed signs that he was looking around and providing some information to someone, the attention of others were drawn towards him. When those who were there had inquired from him as to who he was, he was speechless and what he had
initially told the security personnel was that Mr. Renuka Perera had asked him to come there and meet him. On this particular occasion he had been providing some information to the person with whom he was connected to at the other end of the phone and the person at the other end had been inquiring, "did MR go ... did MR go?" which words the security personnel had overheard. 

When Mr. Renuka Perera had approached the place and checked, he had responded saying that this suspect has not in any manner made allocation of a time to meet him, at which point this person had mentioned the name of another individual, saying "I came not to meet Renuka but to meet another person" and had tried to flee. Later the security personnel of the former President had taken him into their custody and handed him over to Talangama Police. 

What came to light in the evening was that when Talangama Police interrogated this person he had not given proper answers and instead had spoken about various places of residence when questioned about his own place of stay. He has had no national identity card either with him. So far it has come to be known that he is a resident of Hokandara area. He is under further questioning.
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