Otara speaks about freeing birds

Otara speaks about freeing birds

Otara speaks about freeing birds

Otara Gunawardena who at one time was a prominent business figure is at present involved in providing social service. She has written a letter to a national newspaper explaining matters about animal protection. Mrs. Otara Gunawardena writing to today's Lankadeepa newspaper says that caging birds such as pigeons, sparrows and parrots and buying them saying that it is for the purpose of some charity-
work and then releasing them is something that should be refrained from.

Her opinion in this respect is that they should be left alone to remain by themselves in the natural surroundings. Though releasing such birds is an action of charity, she says they are thus released to an unfamiliar environment and that as a consequence they embrace death after some time. Since the public has become accustomed to releasing birds saying that it is for the purpose of charity or because of periods of bad time, catching birds and caging them has turned out to be something of a commercial necessity and due to that innocent birds have to suffer being imprisoned. What Otara requests is that if customers refrain from buying birds, traders in this respect would naturally abstain from it and in future this process would come to an end.  
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