Pottu Amman is not dead is alive in Tamil Nadu hiding

Pottu Amma is not dead  is alive in Tamil Nadu hiding

Pottu Amman is not dead  is alive in Tamil Nadu hiding

During the Vanni operation it was confirmed that the head of the intelligence unit of the LTTE Shankar Pottuamman was killed.However now it had revealed that he had escaped to to South India and now is hiding in Tamil Nadu.

It has been revealed that he by the name of "Kuruti" he is living  with his wife and child.It had been confirmed that Pottu Amman was killed in the battle at Nandikaldal.But his body could not me recovered by the forces personnel.

The name of Pottu Amman had surfaced when the seven year commemoration of the Vanni operation had taken place. The previous government had failed to supply sufficient information about Pottu Amman death to Indian authorities

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