O/L first, from Visakha ...
Second and fourth, twins of Nalanda ...
Two claim third position
Shown below are details of those who cleared the hurdle with the highest marks in the Ordinary Level examination this time. Sathsarani Hettiarachchi of Visakha who claimed second position happens to be the daughter of a businessman
and the mother, a housewife.
This is what she says: "It was after passing the scholarship at Sanghamitta Balika Vidyalaya that I was able to get admitted to Vishaka Balika Vidyalaya. I got 179 marks for the scholarship. I was the school prefect for Year 10 and 11. In the same way I was a member of the Western band. I was successful in winning the All Island Western band in Year 11 on two occasions. I of course had a big faith that I would be placed within the first ten. But I did not believe that I would be able to come first in the whole island. I came to know the results across the internet. It was the father of one of my friends who called and gave the news that I have come first in the island. Though I attended extra classes it was my school that was a great support to me. All teachers completed the syllabus even before the end of the year. After that extra classes were held in the school where they attended to difficult lessons.
My younger sister is Mayumi Olisha Hettiarachchi. She studies at Ananda Balika Vidyalaya. I got good support from my friends. More than I, it was the friends who had a big faith in me. I hope to select the subject of Mathematics for the Advanced Level. My dream is to become an Engineer'"
Second position in the island
Samal Punsara of Nalanda Vidyalaya of Colombo managed to secure the second position at the GCE O/L in the island.
"I had a great confidence that I would be able to get nine 'A's. It was from news in the night that I came to know from the results released that I am the second in the whole of Sri Lanka. I was so delighted. In the same way I was even more happy that my twin brother Senal Punsara also managed to secure nine 'A's. He's also in my class. I become the first in the class. The second is Ranindu Arunaja Herath. In addition I am in the Debating team, the Astronomy Society and the 'Denuma Minuma' Society too. It was while involved in activities in those societies that I managed the educational activities.
I was studying at Nalanda Vidyalaya from the First Year. My father also is an Old Nalandian. He's a Senior Manager at People's Bank, and is attached to the Inquiries and Inspection Department and mother, a Pharmacist at the internal medical storeroom at the National Hospital. I attended extra classes too. My hope is to sit from the Advanced Level Mathematics stream and after entering the campus, to become an Engineer.
Third position in the island
One of those who achieved third position from among the two in that category at the GCE O/L in the island is R.M. Indheewari Umayanga Kumari Ratnayaka studying at Mahamaya Balika Vidyalaya in Kandy. Indeewari Umayanga's mother lives in Jambugahapitiya, Katugastota and is a teacher of the Science section at Samudra Devi Balika Vidyalaya while the father works as a Doctor at Pallekele Ayurvedic Hospital.
Student Indeewari speaks about her accomplishment in this manner: "I attended only the English class as an extra private class. I was lucky enough to reach this position because I attended to my class-work daily and gave ear to what all the teachers would say. Because I didn't attend many extra classes I had much time at my disposal. What I advise young brothers and sisters who are preparing for future exams is to go through their studies that day itself so that they'll be able to reach a big victory. I got a wonderful co-operation from the Principal of the school and the staff of teachers as well as my friends. I confer my wholehearted gratitude to each and everybody who encouraged me to accomplish this state. My only hope is to become a Doctor in future and thereby render a great service to the country".
Third position in the island
The other student of the two who achieved third position in the island at the Ordinary Level exam is Malina Ratnayaka of Devi Balika Vidyalaya.
This is what she says: " I used to finish doing the allotted school-work given on any day, that day itself. Because of that I was able to face the exam without any pressure as such. I did not go for extra classes very much as such. It was from the school that I managed to get the biggest co-operation for my studies. There were some special programmes on our behalf, from the school. By participating in those classes our knowledge was enhanced. At the same time question papers were discussed. Almost all teachers took a hand in encouraging me.
Apart from studies, I also was a junior prefect. I also played badminton. My father is Prabath Ratnayaka. He's an Administrative Officer of Nestle Lanka. My mother is Doctor Greta Pigera. She is employed as a Doctor at the National Hospital, Colombo. My parents provided me with great support for me to come to this position. It was after passing the scholarship at Museus College, Colombo that I came to Devi Balika Vidyalaya. I hope to select the Science stream for the Advanced Level. My intention is to become a Doctor, like my mother".
Fourth in the island
Ranindu Arunaja Herath of Colombo Nalanda Vidyalaya who claimed fourth position in the island in the GCE exam happens to be the twin brother of Samal Punsarage who became the second in the island.
These are his comments: " It was from the web that I initially came to know about my results. I was delighted when I came to know that it was I. That happiness doubled and trebled when I heard that I was placed fourth in the whole island. Apart from studying I answered question papers. I never failed going to school any day. I also engaged in extra-curricular activities. I am an active member of the 'Denuma Minuma' Society, Astronomy Society and the Debating Society.
Samal Punsara who became second in the island also is in my class. I am the second. My mother is Anuruddhika Ranatunga. She's a Specialist Consultant at Kalutara National Hospital. My father is Aruna Herath. He's a Deputy General Manager at Sri Lanka Telecom. My sister is Nipuni Herath and is studying in Year 8 at Devi Balika Vidyalaya. To achieve these results the Principal of my school, Mr. Ranjith Jayasundera as well as class-teacher madam Samanmali Rajapaksha also provided a big support. My future hopes is to do my Advanced Level in the Biology Stream and be a Doctor.
Fifth in the island
Nevindu Amajith Walpita of Colombo Ananda College in the who clinched Fifth Position in the O/L exam in the whole island had this to say: I became the best student from Grade 6 upto 11th Grade continuously. Because of that the teachers were having big hopes about me. The school actually also was a big help for me. Therefore I take this opportunity to remember with respect all teachers who taught me. During the exam days I was really sick. I had a fear that I may not be able to face the exam.
A friend came and said that I have become the fifth in the whole island. It was then that I came to know about these results. It was at an International School that I studied upto my third Grade. From there onwards I got the opportunity of gaining admission to Colombo Ananda College. I attended Daham School. I also attended extra classes. Apart from all that I got help from my father in Maths. Mother helped me in Science. My mother is a Doctor. Father is a Chartered Engineer. I have only one sister. At this time she's following her education at Colombo Vishaka Vidyalaya in Grade 8. Presently I am following Advanced Level studies in Biology. My future ambition is to become a Doctor and serve the country".