Assistance sought from Canada on footage of CCTV photos in Thajudeen's murder

Assistance sought from Canada on footage of CCTV photos in Thajudeen's murder

Assistance sought from Canada on footage of CCTV photos in Thajudeen's murder

The officials of the criminal investigation department had informed the Additional  Magistrate of the Colombo Magistrates courts Nishantha Pieris that in regard to the footage of CCTV photos the
assistance of  British Columbia company in Canada to identify the images properly.

In this connection the officials of the CID had conveyed that in this regard they had  tried to find the best company and that they have found that the British Columbia company in Canada is the best and most reliable.

The criminal investigation department had  been able to obtain some CCTV footages from the scenes where  rugby player Wasim Thajudeen was supposed to have beaten. But the people who had been involved are difficult to be identified properly. In this regard the CID needs to obtain expertise advise.

When this was conveyed to the additional magistrate it was he who had suggested to find a  place in an overseas country who could help in identifying those involved.
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