60 lakhs racket of kidney transplant done in 4 hospitals in Sri Lanka ...

60 lakhs racket of kidney transplant done in 4 hospitals in Sri Lanka ...  with 6 doctors getting together importing, Indian kidneys ... exposed!

60 lakhs racket of kidney transplant done in 4 hospitals in Sri Lanka ...

with 6 doctors getting together importing, Indian kidneys ... exposed!

In case when someone ailing from kidney problems is faced with the necessity of getting the surgery done by striving to find the monies, somehow or the other. Though someone becomes helpless monetarywise in
some instances, those who are equipped with money are in a position to get the necessary surgery carried out by paying some money.

Four private hospitals in Sri Lanka which carry out kidney transplants for a sum of 60 lakhs for a period of time have become famous. This surgery had been done during the past on kidney patients local and otherwise after securing 60 lakhs each by getting the kidney of a healthy person and visiting those hospitals for the surgery to be performed at the hands of well-known physicians in this country, even without having the necessity to enquire about that transaction because it became popular that the operations had been neatly performed. It was revealed that in certain instances the said doctors had forcibly pointed out the essentiality of a kidney transplant to rich people who patronise the doctors in their private clinics in which cases this transactional surgery had come into force.

It has been revealed at a survey done by Indian Police that this surgery project had been put into motion in an organised manner and that those offering kidneys from India are bought over and they then share the money among doctors, middlemen and brokers, thus activating this racket.  Information has been reported in this respect about 6 Sri Lankan surgeons and a lady the latter of whom operated as a middleman as being involved in this racket and the Indian Police have filed legal action in courts against them. Further it has been confirmed that the 6 doctors against whom action has been filed have illegally been involved in kidney transplants at 4 front-line private hospitals in Sri Lanka. While there are 3 lady doctors among the so accused doctors, one lady doctor is the daughter of a professor of Medicine, it has been revealed.

After the master-brain behind this massive-scale kidney racket, 36 year old Suresh Prajapathi was taken into custody by Indian Police it was possible to reveal everything about this scam according to his confession. The Hindu newspaper reported yesterday that over 60 illicit kidney transplants have been done within Sri Lanka by this mastermind of kidney transplant and his accomplice. Suresh Prajapathi who is presently under custody has confessed that kidney donors required for this racket were secured from India itself and that later they were sent to Sri Lanka on a tourist visa for this purpose. These racketeers had charged a figure of close upon 60 lakhs Sri Lankan rupees for a single kidney transplant. A sum of about 10 lakhs from that money had been retained by the suspect Suresh Prajapathi while the balance money had been paid to the doctors and those donating the kidneys. The suspect Suresh Prajapathi alone has earned over 6 crores from this racket. Suresh Prajapathi has confessed to police that he had bought a house estimated at Rs. 3 crores, an office costing Rs. 60 lakhs and furniture amounting to another 60 lakhs. Those reports say that agents who introduced kidney donors to Suresh Prajapathi had been paid a sum of money close upon Rs. 1 crore.

On an inquiry made from the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka about this incident, what they say is that they are not aware of any information in this regard. The Secretary Anura Jayawickrema had mentioned that if the said doctors are confirmed as being involved in this incident, legal action instituted by the Ministry of Health would be taken.
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