Using security men with fake pistols for President's security ....

Using security men with fake pistols for President's security ....  subjected to controversy

Using security men with fake pistols for President's security ....

subjected to controversy

A short while later after President Maithripala returned to Sri Lanka after his tour in Rome, a person with a 9 mm. pistol in his possession was arrested by the Security Unit of the airport and
after the police were informed about it, the episode ended in a somewhat of a commotion. Whatever it is, later it came to be known that this person had been purposely used to detect whether the security proceedings for the President was carried out in the proper manner. Therefore he was released.

As a result of this problematic situation over security measures, it had caused a delay of 5 flights, Director General of Customs told the media. Higher-ups of the Civil Aviation Authority had used a person with a fake pistol to carry out this enquiry of security proceedings. Various opinions about such an action being launched as to whether it is proper as a practical measure is now being expressed. The Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mr. Nimal Siripala de Silva mentions that there is nothing wrong with such an investigation. He also points out that if in case the officer who hid this fake pistol in his possession was not detected by the security officers, it then could be said to be a part of a weakness on the part of the security. He also said that it is the responsibility of the Civil Aviation Authority to look into matters such as whether duties of the airport are being properly carried out, checking whether the pilots are equipped with their licenses as pilots and whether the airport has an efficient security atmosphere.

Police Media Spokesman Assistant Superintendent of Police Mr. Ruwan Gunasekera informed that the police were not notified about this sudden investigation which was to be carried out with a fake pistol being used and that if by chance that fake pistol was kept hidden somewhere on one of his legs and the person concerned was taken into custody, the police in that case would have to resort to court proceedings.
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