The Prado Jeep vehicles talk at customs is all hoax
Mahinda Sarathchandra the President of the car importers Association had added that a group of persons attached to the customs department had spread a rumour that a number of Prado Jeep vehicles imported duty free are parked at customs and a plan had been drawn to release them in the proper channels.
Addressing a special media conference in Colombo Mahinda Sarathchandra had said that all these Prado Jeeps are been released according to the normal rules and regulations and the allegations brought by several trade unions are not true.
To have these Prado jeeps cleared at once all taxes due to the government have been paid and those subjected to injustice have been cleared in consultation of the Minister of Finance Ravi Karunanayake,the President of the vehicle importers association Mahinda Sarathchandra had added.
A group of customs officers had wanted to have the import tax as imposed as one half of the taxes would go to the government coffers and the other half to be divided among them. But the entire tax imposed had gone to government.
The group in the customs had wanted a penal rate to be imposed as in that instance they would be entitled for half of that tax. This was added by Mahinda Sarathchandra during the media briefing