Last letter written to his second wife -- "I bury us" ....

Last letter written to his second wife -- "I bury us" ....

Last letter written to his second wife -- "I bury us" ....

after waiting for 15 months

Madhu Madhawa Aravinda, a singer and politician, after leaving his first marriage wife Nilmini Tennakoon and daughter, got married to Renusha of
the Islamic faith, as his second wife; attracting great publicity.

During the past election period his political activities took place amidst protests and it is an open secret that his second wife left him. In the process, evidence was revealed through photographs across the media that he got more close to Nilmini and the daughter. When matters were such, after 15 months since his second wife abandoned him, he had placed a note or comment in his Facebook Account. Madhu Madhawa who says that although he awaited the return of Renusha and she did not turn up, he had stated that he is writing the last letter to her and he has mentioned there that if he did not get involved in Politics, their love story would be alive even today, somewhere. The note he had left which states, "On 31st ... I'll be burying ourselves", is as follows:

Madhu Madhawa Aravinda
22 December 17.43

A letter without an address ...Darling Renusha  ... to you I write

                                                    Let not your feet be entangled any day ....
it can't be killed by the mind .... it is the same to you as well as to me .... though gone to a distant land beyond sight without being able to bear with the mind ... you maybe Yashodara ... but I am not Siduhath

                                                     This moment when dearest 2015 is waning away, I bade her goodbye, bearing all pain
                                                     From wherever this story begins or ends, I write this. Just as much as people who hide their lives, there are people who talk about victory and defeat in life. I am a person like that. My life is not that long, to hide my life. Everybody need not be like that ..... and it cannot be.

                                                     You who look at life with love, read this the way you wish to. If you are someone who wants to disrespect the other person's life .... aim the first stone at the hands of he who has not sinned.

                                                      What I have to say is a small, beautiful story. What I can't hide .... you who made me live from the age of 16 .... if other than share my life with loving you ... to who else can I tell this ....

                                                      This is the last note that I am writing to her .....the last poem written to her,  darling Renusha ..... at a time when my life was filled with contempt and reproach and wrongs that I had not done ... both of us are not going to write our romantic and innocent story once again. The last note I make about the beautiful fairy story .... let it be a tribute to you who made me exist in loving care for 7 years. Instead of saying what happened ... in our separation ... let her not be inconvenienced and may she get the strength to live from wherever she is.

                                                       Though her father is a Malay ... got married to a Sinhalese girl .... during the last days ... he was a charming father who worked with me shoulder to shoulder in national issues .... a soldier .... gave the son to the Army .... the day this honourable man passed away .... I couldn't fulfill the last request he asked from me. He took me by the hand ... that day he asked me to look after the daughter .... we both are indebted to that day.

                                                        Whatever it is, nothing will go wrong with you .... both of us could have protected each other. I salute that lovely smile which looked at my whole life with love ... till my death.

                                                         If I didn't engage in Politics our story will still be alive somewhere .... this fairy story ends with no wrongdoer .... if at all somebody wishes to know, I'd like to be the target of all those stones.

                                                          This is a farewell .... waited for 15 months .... we both were shivering .... so, on the 15th of this month .... let's blast it. The volcano we bore bore up for 15 months ..... let no blame fall upon you .... every mouth of rice you fed me .... every sigh you breathed .... I searched for you ... in the nights that passed by ... you told me your sorrows.

                                                           So my darling ... we may not meet ever again .... adios to you .... you'll get strength in every night that you pass .... every puff of wind will be cool to you .... though gone like Prince Siduhath, I turned back on the way .... to come back home once again .... I came back shouting .... in life when I returned, Yashodara was no more ... or else had gone away forever .... from there onwards I was like a small child .... searched .... we told the skies about our romantic story. Then you'll come to know that I haven't mentioned the address in the last letter written to you .... across Cyber. Read from wherever you are .... I dropped my dream ... all our memories ended up as a bonfire as if I shouted out crying that this was the first letter written to you ... darling, written in secret from the whole world.

                                                           Don't shout out and cry after reading the last letter ... for the whole world to see .... may you get the biggest strength .... darling Renusha .... may you live with my span of life. On 31st I'll be burying us .... permit me ... to tell where we are going to be buried. A love story like this in the world .... let it not find an ending like this: that here lies ... that it's the most loveable wife who rests here.
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