Do not come to Dambana to take photographs only
During this festive season and the long holiday lakhs of people holidaying had visited Mahiyangana Dambana it is reliably reported.
The Veddah community media triangle had
conformed that during the three day holiday period about two lakhs of local holiday makers had visited Dambana.
conformed that during the three day holiday period about two lakhs of local holiday makers had visited Dambana.
The Veddah leader Uruwarige Vannileththo had commented accusing most of those inland tourists that they were only interested in taking photographs of the Veddah community including himself.
The Veddah leader had emphasised that those who come to Dambana should not come with the sole intention of photographing them.He had added that those inland visitors should show more concern to find about the history, culture ,the common platform and the simple type of living they indulge in.He had also accused most inland visitors that they only think that their visit is just only a pleasure visit.The leader of the Veddah community had advised that the visitors should not think that their visit is just a pleasure visit. He also had cautioned them not to harm the environment they have preserved so well.
In the context of protecting their environment the Veddah leader Uruwarige Vannileththo had focussed his attention about the visitors leaving bashing empty liquor bottles. plastic water bottles and polythene paper used as wrapping paper of food. He had said that to collect them and destroy them he has to deploy the services of their own people.