Company administrative officer who married a millionaire girl ....

Company administrative officer who married a millionaire girl ....  conning to wife and two children caught by Mirihana Police ....  while honeymooning!

Company administrative officer who married a millionaire girl ....

conning to wife and two children caught by Mirihana Police ....

while honeymooning!

Two ladies and a Company Administrative Officer walked into Mirihana Police early last morning
(7) to air their views about an incident where the Officer who was a married man with two children were caught while honeymooning having already made arrangements to get married. 

The story as reported is as follows: The said Administrative Officer who was attached to a private Company in Colombo is a resident in a luxury two-storied house close to Nugegoda. He happens to be the father of two children aged 10 and 04 years and his wife serves at a well-known hospital in Colombo as an Accountant. This officer had dressed up in tie and coat two or three days before and had told his wife, "I have to go for a wedding of a friend far away .... and it'll take two days for me to come back". So saying he had set off for work. Actually the Administrative Officer who set off from home in this manner was to become the bridegroom of the new marriage he had pre-arranged. 

The bride of this wedding which was conducted at a five star hotel in Colombo was a beautiful girl aged 24 years hailing from a millionaire business family. She had been engaged as a Directress of a Company where her father was the owner. Though several relatives from the bridegroom's side as well as comrades had participated on this occasion it was a lady who showed herself as the mother of this bridegroom who had accompanied him. A particular lady who attended this occasion on the invitation of the bride was someone who was familiar with this Officer somehow or the other and incidentally was an old friend of his wife. This lady had suspected as to whether he had thought of a new marriage because her old friend's marriage had maybe ended on the rocks.

Since it was not possible to locate the phone number of her friend during this busy occasion, she had managed to get at her phone number after she returned home. She had then entered into a dialogue with her old friend regarding this point. "Are you mad? It was for a friend's wedding no that he went .... you are mistaken ... it may be someone else", the Officer's wife had responded so, not being able to believe what her friend said. However after photographs of the wedding were exchanged, the wife was dumbfounded. Not being able to even imagine what to do in this situation she ultimately thought of carrying out the instructions giver by her old friend. The lady managed to get at information of the hotel where the couple were honeymooning and then supplied it to the Officer's wife. 

The midnight that very night the Administrative Officer's wife went into action with some others and crashed into the hotel straight into the room where the couple were. The Officer on being shocked by the wife coming into the room simply went dumb. The newly wedded 24 year old attractive girl has had no information about the Administrative Officer and after she realised the true situation had gone into tears, it was learned. It was after that they had visited Mirihana Police to relate this incident. 

On interrogations conducted at the police it came to be known that during the process of a call taken on duty-matters sometime back he had come to know this lovely girl. What she revealed was that right from the start this person had been saying that he is a bachelor and at a later stage had brought forward a proposal to her and to confirm it he had even gone to the extent of escorting his 'mother' several times to her house. A woman who had been well equipped in the art of acting had been hired by this man to play the role of his mother. This Officer who had said that his father is not among the living and that because of a land dispute his relatives were not on good terms but that she could be taken home only after marriage. In fact it is his mother who is not among the living and in fact his father is still among the living. 

All expenses for this marriage celebrations had been covered by the millionaire family. It was later exposed that even the wedding ring which the Administrative Officer had put on the girl's finger which he had said was of gold, was in fact one of the imitation type. This bridegroom was supposed to get a large dowry from this new marriage and it was reported that he had entered into this marriage with that particular motive behind him. The police instructed that a lawsuit be filed on grounds of bigamy while the woman who played the role of the mother is being searched for further investigations, police sources say.
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