Body of Pettah 'Nattami' floats on water at floating market

Body of Pettah 'Nattami' floats on water at floating market

 Body of Pettah 'Natthami' floats on water at floating market

The body of a dead person who had died mysteriously and floating in the  water close to the floating market had been found by the police officers of the Maradana police on the morning of yesterday the
20th instant.

The officers of the Maradana police had gone to the site when the dealers of the floating market had called them and given the information.

The police has suspected the dead person to be a Pettah  'Nattami".However the name of the person has not yet been known. He is gauged to be a person between  the age of 45 to 50 years.

This person is five feet and four inches tall and had been clad in a blue colour T shirt and a red colour sarong and short trouser black in colour.

The police is yet to ascertain the cause of death. They suspect that he may be a person who is suffering from an illness or had fallen into the water.The police is investigating in this regard.

The body of this dead person is now kept in the Police mortuary.

The  investigations are been carried out under  the  purview of the Officer in Charge of the Maradana Police assisted by the Chief Inspector of Police Sarath Perera and  the sub inspector of Police of the crime division Madura Silva.
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