Wimal for donating houses Jayantha to President's commission

Wimal  for donating houses Jayantha to President's commission

 Wimal  for donating houses Jayantha to President's commission
During the last regime when Wimal Weerawansa was the Minister of housing and Construction a number of  luxury houses built valued at millions of rupees under the purview of the National Housing Development Authority had been sold at very low cost to
the relatives of the former Minister Wimal Weerawansa.

In this regard to obtain a statement in this regard the former Chairman of the National Housing Development Authority and Member of Parliament Jayantha Samaraweeea had been called to the President's commission of bribery and corruption on the 21st instant.

It has been reported that four out of five  luxury houses built at the Mattegoda and Kahatuduwa NHDA schemes had been given to the relatives of former Minister Wilmal Weerawansa and the other one had been given to the media advisor to the then first Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa. all at very nominal prices. In this regard complaints had been lodged at the President's commission of Bribery and Corruption.

From the initial investigations it had revealed that  a house which is worth over a billion had been sold for about  amounts ranging from rupees five lakhs  and above.

In addition another complaint has been lodged at the President's commission that a house belonging to the National Housing Development authority worth about rupees one billion had been given the ownership to a  female friend of the former Minister Wimal Weerawansa,Praba Vishodana an officer under him. In this regard also investigations had begun at the President's commission of Bribery and Corruption.

It is reported that in this connection two Brother's in laws and relatives of the former Minister Wimal Weerawansa had been summoned and statements recorded from them.

The reports from the authorities of the Presidential commission have already revealed that houses worth billions and some lesser than billions have been sold to relatives and associates of the former Minister Wimal Weerawansa.
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