Unfortunate death of two-year old toddler

Two years and eight months old toddler dies from electric shock ....

trying to push chisel into a plug
 Unfortunate death of two-year old toddler

A toddler in Wissacolaniya, Weliwatta, Hambantota unfortunately became a victim of electric shock while in his house last Friday.

This 2 years and 8 months old child had tried to
poke a chisel inside a multi-plug and the current flowing along its metal piece had entered the body of the child, thus resulting in this accident. This is how the mother of the deceased boy Vishwa Sandesh explained the incident:
          "On the day of the incident I went to the brook with the child to wash him. Later I brought the child home and wiped him by keeping him on the bed. Since that was the time he used to eat, like on other days I kept him on the bed and went to the kitchen to bring his food. I heard the child screaming all of a sudden and when I looked, the child appeared unconscious. He had in fact got down from the bed and had poked a chisel into the multi-plug which was lying on the ground and was still in that position. I quickly switched off the plug and pulled him away. Then I took him to the hospital. What to do oh god .... the child was dead by that time".

It was revealed at the post-mortem that when the mother had gone to the kitchen the child who had tried to play with a chisel lying on the table had then tried to poke a screw driver into an unprotected power plug and had thus got electrocuted. It was also revealed there, that the current had passed through the right hand of the child and had found its outlet from his left leg. Because of using electricity in the house in an unprotected manner where children are,this child too was subjected to an unexpected accident.
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