A dangerous skin decease spreading island wide

A dangerous skin decease spreading island wide

A dangerous skin decease spreading island wide

A dangerous skin decease termed Leishmaniosis  is been spread fast island wide .This has been revealed by the Professor SAM Kularatne of the
medical faculty of the Peradeniya university.

This decease had commenced to affect people in the  coastal areas of the Eastern province initially and it is said to be fast spreading island wide and it has already spread to the central regions of the country. In the cutaneous form it presents skin ulcers.

This skin decease which is very common in India and the skin ulcers which form on the skin takes a long time to be cured. The Professor SAM Kularatne had found out that in certain cases the ulcers may even cause damage to the internal organs. He has recommended those affected to consult a skin specialist and obtain treatment.
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