Statement by Tissa Karaliyedda because of ....

Statement by Tissa Karaliyedda because of ....  Facebook 'bebe' photo of SF Lokka

Statement by Tissa Karaliyedda because of ....

Facebook 'bebe' photo of SF Lokka

After Gossip Lanka revealed for the first time about the Facebook Account of SF Lokka appearing in a photograph in the company of Tissa Karaliyedda, a prominent Minister of the
Mahinda Regime and in a drunken state with Iron Ranasingha come to be known as SF Lokka in one photo in Facebook and is suspected of having murdered Wasantha Zoysa of Anuradhapura it was being browsed left and right by some people and they have presented various analyses in that respect.

Possibly because a photograph of this Minister in the company of the suspect who is deemed to have committed this crime has been published, various reports are being published in connection with this theme. One such report is that SF Lokka who has still not been apprehended stays in hiding this way because of political charisma. Another report is that there is a political figure behind this murder. Whatever it is, former Minister Karaliyedda who brought on a bad name for himself because of this photo had given a statement across Neth FM and this is what he says there:
"We don't know what that person is doing .... there's no connection to me. We can't talk about this to the media. Because what is broadcast or published is distorted. As politicians we come across various types of people. So are we to eat them and see? I am involved in politics for 21 years but I have never made use of thugs for political work. I have associated only on a short-term basis. That Mr. Wasantha Zoysa .. when I meet him .. I only speak to him. That's all. The story that we protect them is utterly false. He is supposed to be having about four thousand friends in the Facebook. There's supposed to be a lot more powerful people in it. Why only is it that I am being taken and being talked about"?  

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