Frontline Socialist member Kumara was caught when trying to escape over a parapet wall

Frontline Socialist member Kumara was caught when trying to escape over a parapet wall

Frontline Socialist member Kumara was caught when trying to escape over a parapet wall

The manner how the Frontline socialist central committee member Kumara Gunaratnam was
caught by the police has been  now released to the media.

When the police visited the house he was hidden in Anguruwella area in Ruwanwella he had tried to jump over the rear parapet wall and escape  when he was caught by the police. and arrested. On the 04th instant the police in Kegalle had received information that Kumara Gunaratnam had been hiding at his mother's ancestral residence.

The police had cordoned his ancestral home while one had knocked at the door and had asked "who is inside the house".Kumara Gunaratnam then had tried to escape through the cordon of police officers and tried to escape by jumping over the rear parapet wall having escaped via the back door.When he tried to jump over the parapet wall on police officer had caught him by his trouser.
When the house was checked a younger sister had his mother were found living in the house.He was then produced before the Kegalle Chief Magistrate Prasanna Alwis who had ordered him to be remanded until the 18th instant.
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