Don't get caught puthe ....

Don't get caught puthe ....  An advice from a lady doctor to 17 year old Suranjith ... who demands ten million from police

Don't get caught puthe ....

An advice from a lady doctor to 17 year old Suranjith ...
who demands ten million from police

What was reported by the media at the beginning stages of the Seya Sandewmi murder case was about a brutal child molestation. However now most people do not remember the murder suspect
Saman Jayalath. Incidents of violation of Human Rights has come into the open in relation to the harassment caused by the police to those arrested. 

Suranjith the 17 year old schoolboy who happened to live in a neighbouring house of Seya has sought the assistance of the law yesterday about violation of Fundamental Rights claiming compensation of of ten million from the Police. There are lawyers too who do not favour his way of action. Various people have given various interpretations about this procedure of his. Has this student who is supposed to sit for the Advanced Level Exam next year been actually used as a 'bait' of somebody?

We were able to come across and go through a note written to Suranjith by community counsellor Dr. Janaki Vidanapathirana. Since we realised that that note would provide an ideal advice to youth who had gone astray due to numerous influences these days, we publish that note here. 

"Dear Suranjith Putha,
This letter is bring written with the idea that somebody would make you read this. We know that you had to face a big problem in connection with Seya's death. I am writing this for the purpose of emphasising certain factors to you. We all know that a big injustice was done to you. But all those incidents are now over. I am writing because I thought that several reasons which could take your life forward successfully is emphasised here. Anyone experiences sorrow, comfort, praise and insult during the course of one's life. In the same way, a full stop can't be put to our life because we face insult, humiliation and worries. Likewise putha, just because someone does injustice to us, we should not try to take revenge. You have a goal in your life. I saw in the newspapers that you had passed your scholarship exam in flying colours. I also saw that your mother is always with you all throughout your life. It's you and your mother who are the happiest in the success of your future life. So putha think of this experience as a stepping stone and get closer to the target which is the success for your future. 

Just as much as we get good, bad, suitable and unsuitable friends in life, we meet such men too in our life. It is because of that some have become accustomed to labelling suspects as wrongdoers. Therefore what we should do is not refrain from speaking to them but we should avoid doing those wrong things. This then is the biggest challenge. In the same way, there is another thing that should be told to you, You can very well get closer to proper and successful objectives in life. Likewise you are skillful. So you can become a leader in whatever field you like. The quality that should be in a future leader of that type is not to be swayed by challenges but carry out your duty and responsibilities correctly. Think of this deeply in your heart. It's only when this cannot be done that one becomes a menace to society. It maybe that officers who were unkind to you had not properly understood these things and may have treated you in this manner. 

In the same way Seya is a neighbouring nangi of yours. We also are so sad about what happened to her. Somebody or the person who did that offence must be a person who has not properly understood values and social responsibilities. In the same way he is a person who could not correctly control his feelings. So sons and daughters like you'll who are to face the future possess a large responsibility .... in order to become shareholders to bring about and create a proper society. So putha, you would get the strength to become a leader who feels good and correct humanistic feelings. In the same way, finally I wish to say another thing. That incident is now over. Now the whole of Sri Lanka know that you are free from guilt. Do not go for media discussions anymore. Likewise discuss with your teachers and decide whether you are going to do this 2016 exam. The decision is yours. If not, do the Advanced Level exam of year 2017 with success. 

Wish you a bright future.
Janaki Nenda
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