A statement by SF Lokka that Wasantha murder ....

A statement by SF Lokka that Wasantha murder ....

A statement by SF Lokka that Wasantha murder ....

was an exemplary act done to eradicate clubs in ....

the sacred city of Anuradhapura (video)

Iron Ranasingha alias SF Lokka the main suspect in the murder of Wasantha Soyza had added a video to the internet before being accosted and in the video he had referred to the operations launched by him as an
exemplary one intended to remove nightclubs from the sacred City of Anuradhapura. He also expresses in that video how he had gone there and on coming out he had realised that Wasantha was lying dead there and that he is unaware of how he was murdered in which video he expresses with amazement.

"Even until this incident happened, nobody had planned to kill Wasantha Soyza. What people in Anuradhapura wanted was to remove this nightclub. There's no crowd of thugs who went there either. It was a young crowd with a straight spine who went. Wasantha was on really good terms with me. A few months before, he asked me to do a certain thing and when I replied in the negative, he lodged a false complaint saying that I threw a bomb. It was after that the revenge flared up and from there onwards he kept pursuing me. It's according to what the gang did that they'll be rewarded!. I didn't even know .... it was after I went inside and come out did I know that he was lying on the floor. It was only that which I saw. Who did it and any other details I don't know. What we tried was to carry out a game in Anuradhapura. We did the job. Even today we're happy. Even if we go to gallows, we are not scared. Anuradhapura lost a club. What I think is that clubs would not be opened in Anuradhapura anymore. Even if they are opened ... we'll keep doing our job that same way".

The video which depicts his sensational statement, from below
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