World's largest floating book fair sails into Colombo Port

World's largest floating book fair ....

at Colombo Port next week

The vessel Logos Hope which has received the name 'the largest floating book fair' is to sail into Colombo Port next week. The vessel will be anchored at the Colombo Port for a period of approximately 3 weeks on which occasion
customers are afforded the opportunity of stepping into the vessel to read books there, as well as buy them according to their wish.

The Logos Hope Project began in the 1970 era and since then it has for over a time of 4 years been shifting to larger vessels time and again thus continuously providing information and education the world over and is a project of German origin. It is understood that the vessel by now had anchored to close upon 500 ports in 151 countries the world over. Over 5000 publications under topics belonging to main languages in the world have been stored in this ship and every year millions of customers benefit from its services. The vessel is being conducted with a collective effort of a volunteer force of of about 400 people. Among them is also a Sri Lankan by the name of Priyanga Ukwatta.

Logos Hope has arrived in Sri Lanka on a number of occasions previously too. This vessel which arrived at Colombo Port in the year 2013 and to Trincomalee and Galle Ports in the year 2014 was patronised by readers and books were bought by them. This vessel which has presently been anchored in Myanmar Yangung is scheduled to reach Sri Lanka as its next destination. On this occasion the vessel is scheduled to reach the Port of Colombo on 21st Wednesday October. The book exhibition would be in progress from  21st October to November 13 during which period it would be anchored at the Colombo Port. An entrance fee of Rs. 100 only would be charged by customers while for those under 12 and those over 65 years, entrance will be free.

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