Upali Kodikara who alike a thug in front of Police personnel at BMICH remanded

Upali Kodikara who behaved like a thug in front of many police personnel at BMICH remanded

Upali Kodikara who behaved like a thug in front of many police personnel at BMICH remanded

For interfering  and  not allowing the Police to discharge duties of security  at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall Western
Provincial council Member Upali Kodikara had been arrested. The other day when the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa was to be questioned on the non payment of advertisement costs payable to the ITN at the PRECIFAC during the period running up to the Presidential elections.

When he was to be searched before entering into the  Presidential Commission of Inquiry into frauds he had not adhered to the instructions of the Police personnel but had forcibly entered without having a physical check.The manner he had reacted was somewhat similar to a thuggery act as seen via video of the incident.

In this connection Upali Kodikara had been summoned to the Cinnamon Gardens Police station and when he arrived he had been arrested.
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