If the bottled water is unhygienic do not purchase

Do not purchase bottled water if they are unhygienic

From the month of September in year 2016 a law is to be enforced that a standards certificate from the Sri Lanka  standards bureau that would be made compulsory for all water bottling companies before
they are sold.

This has been informed by the information directress of the consumer services authority Chandrika Tillekeratne.

This standard had been enforced now had been only to the water that is contained in plastic bottle.But for the plastic bottle no standards had been enforced. The directress had emphasised the need for plastic bottles with specific thickness that are used to store water.The directress has added that in regard to the thickness of the bottle several complaints have been received by the consumer serviced authority.

The Directress Chandrika Tillekeratne had emphasised on the need to review the taste. colour and odour of the water contained in plastic bottles. In this connection an island wide survey covering all districts of bottled water  of 80 companies. The survey had revealed that the quality of water, the thickness of the plastic bottles were not in terms of the standards expected.It had also revealed that some used bottles were again recycled for bottling water.

In this connection the directress had added that it would take a period of one year for them to ascertain the exact specifications that would be needed in regard to the certificate that need to be obtained which would be made known to the companies.
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