Ramboda earthslip which grabbed 7 lives

Ramboda earthslip which grabbed 7 lives (photos)

As a result of the prevailing inclement weather these days 7 lives were lost from the landslide that took place yesterday. Because of this tragedy in Wedamulla Estate, Ramboda, Kothmale, 5 members of the same family and two others died in the process.
The dead body of a child who died from the earthslip was found this morning. The earthslip had occured during the heavy downpour yesterday from 12 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening. Though members of 44 families rushed to safe sites to save their lives, everybody's life however was not saved. Those who were displaced are now taking refuge at Ramboda Hindu Vidyalaya. As the environment around is earthslip-prone, the authorities concerned have notified of this risk and by now 264 members of 66 families have found refuge there.

Photos taken at that location after the incident, from below

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