Tense situation around Kanthalai Illupudal Church ....
after child's death during prayer
A tense situation has developed because of a death of an infant during a period of prayer in Kallady at Illupudal Church belonging
to the domain of Seruwila Police.
This commotion had arisen as a result of a two and a half years old child supposed to have died from a fit. Though the child had been hospitalised for treatment, as the child had not recovered the parents of the child had directed the child for a prayer session at the church. After praying on the 11th and 12th in this church the child's condition had turned for the better on the 12th but when playing around in the compound the condition had aggravated and she had finally passed away. It was Gnanapalan Sudarshan the two and a half year old female child from the area who had died in this manner. The father of the child is dumb and the mother strongly insists that the child's death was not caused because of a blunder of the church as such but because the sickness became worse.
Whatever it is, a crowd of villagers who got together and began creating an opposition against this then made a protest demanding that the said church be removed from the area immediately and after the Provincial Secretary of Verugal and Serunuwara Police got together and agreed to have a discussion, peace was restored. It is the opinion of the people in the area that even prior to this problems have cropped up against this Catholic Church because the majority of those living in the area are Hindus.
What was mentioned in the report of the Judicial Medical Officer of Kanthalai Base Hospital when the dead body of the deceased girl was directed to him was that the death was caused because the child's sick condition had worsened as a result of the convulsion she had suffered from.
Kanthalai Police are conducting further investigations.