Wellawatta Tamil youth who killed mother, father and sister by giving sleeping tablets

Wellawatta Tamil youth who killed mother, father and sister by giving sleeping tablets

Wellawatta Tamil youth who killed mother, father and sister ....

by giving sleeping tablets

nabbed again because of a heroin-racket!

You may recall news of an incident where 3
years before this of a Tamil youth who gave an overdose of sleeping tablets inserted into yogurt to his mother, father and sister while in a rented house in Wellawatta and thus killed them was reported. Kumaraswamy Krishnan by name, this youth had committed this triple-murder because of a financial problem and he was imprisoned after being arrested by the police. While in prison he had met Kudu Lalitha, supposed to be a prominent accomplice of notorious drug-dealer Wele Suda and he had then got involved with him in the drug-racket.

However he had been released on bail from the triple-murder case and subsequently he had got involved in the main transportation stream of the drug-racket. The person who was taken into custody day-before-yesterday (14) by the Police Anti-Narcotics Unit in Wattala with a stock of heroin worth over Rs. 3 crores is none other than this same youth named Kumaraswamy Krishnan who was instrumental in the former triple-murder. Three kilos of heroin which was in possession of the suspect at the time of arrest in Wattala as well as cash amounting to Rs. 24 lakhs and a luxury jeep together with a motorcar were all taken into custody by the police.

It was later revealed that Kumaraswamy Krishnan had operated as the main accomplice of Kudu Lalitha the frontline heroin dealer who incidentally died as a result of gun-shot injuries of the police a short period of time back. After the death of Kudu Lalitha he had carried on this heroin racket continuously. For this purpose he had acquired the support of Kudu Lalitha's paramour as well.

Kumaraswamy who spent his time for some years at Welikada Prison after murdering his father, mother and sister had in the process managed to get to know Kudu Lalitha. Under such circumstances he had agreed to go into connivance with Lalitha to carry on this heroin racket. It has been revealed that once Kudu Lalitha was released on bail, he had taken steps to rescue Kumaraswamy Krishnan too on bail. Kumaraswamy who admits that after Kudu Lalitha was killed, he had been able to take the heroin-business solely into his own hands and had thereafter got down heroin from outside like countries from Pakistan and India.

It was 2 months before this that the Police Anti-Narcotics Unit had received information about Kumaraswamy Krishnan and from there onwards a team of officers of the Anti-Narcotics Unit had begun to pursue Kumaraswamy. On the tip-off that the police received that the suspect had taken a stock of heroin to Wattala area,  a team of police officers who pursued him were able to get at him at the car-park of the super market complex in Wattala. It was possible to cordon this racketeer who had transported this stock of heroin in a luxury jeep when he was in the process of shifting the parcels of heroin to another motor vehicle at the super market complex in Wattala. The suspect in fact had loaded this stock of heroin to a different vehicle to avoid any suspicion and to have it transported that way. The suspect had told the police that this stock of heroin was separated into small packets for the purpose of handing them to representatives around Colombo.

The suspect is being detained at the Police Anti-Narcotics Unit and is being interrogated at length. It has been revealed at investigations that he had been bringing large quantities of heroin and had been breaking them into small quantities and had distributed them for quite a length of time in this way.

The case against him for murder of his father, mother and sister is still being heard at High Courts. 

Previous news item about Kumaraswamy Krishnan murdering his mother, father and sister, from HERE
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