Passenger who had shown his vital organs to a 14 year old girl by opening his zip inside a bus beaten

Passenger who had shown his vital organs to a 14 year old girl by opening his zip inside a bus beaten

Passenger who had shown his vital organs to a 14 year old girl by opening his zip inside a bus beaten

A passenger who had opened the zip of his trouser and tried to abuse a 14 year old student with the
intention of abusing her had been caught near the main bus halt in Kuliyapitiya. The passengers had caught him had handed over to the kuliyapitiya police after he was beaten properly.

The student girl had boarded a Bowatta bus with her mother to proceed to Koshena. This passenger had sat in the seat as the young student girl.He had opened the zip of his trouser and had showed his vital organs to the girl. She had promptly told her mother of the incident who had beaten the male passenger properly with her umbrella.

The passenger had been handed over to the police who had produced him before the Kuliyapitiya magistrate Bandula Gunaratna.The magistrate had ordered him to be remanded until the 22nd instant and in the meantime had ordered him to be shown to a  consultant psychiatrist.

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