Fried rat inside KFC meal!

Fried rat inside KFC meal!

A news item creating a sensation across the internet has occured because of an incident where a fried rat had been detected in a meal instead of chicken ordered from an American restaurant belonging to the world famous KFC Food Producers.

Media reports published that this fried rat was found inside a meal bought by a 25 year old young man and it had been from a restaurant situated down Wimington Avenue in Los Angeles City in California. When he had reported this to the Manager of the relevant outlet, it was said that the latter had apologised. Whatever it is, since news was created across the social media in a big way in that country, when leading media of that country had contacted the KFC authorities about it, they had been told that it is actually not a rat that was there but a piece of fried chicken which looks like a rat. 

Likewise, when other media too inquired matters about it the authorities concerned had tried to evade the issue and the KFC authorities have responded saying that nothing could be spoken about the matter concerned because the said customer is to take matters up with the law by contacting his lawyer.
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