Wife who had spent wedded life for 8 years

Wife who had spent wedded life for 8 years

Wife who had spent wedded life for 8 years ....

thinking feminine-husband was male

"Thani thatuwen piyambanna 2" screened once again .... at Matara Courts

The background to the story of the film which was created a short period before this was about a lady who entered into marriage, appearing in the disguise of a male. Another incident similar to the
incident which formed the basis to it was reported from Matara Courts yesterday.

This case has been filed in connection with a lady of 40 years who had fraudulently prepared documents appearing as a male and had thus got married, subjecting the victim to cheating.

A lady by the name of Kusum Dassanayaka living in Siripura, Welioya had advertised in the marriage columns of a newspaper and thereby got married legally to to a lady with one child, referred to living in Weligama, Udukawa area in the year 2007 after the two had associated with each other. This lady who had been helpless with one child from the first marriage had not inquired much about him and had got married. The male concerned who appeared in masculine form had come to the house on and off saying that he had been working as a mason 'baas' in Colombo.

The petitioner had said that after marriage her husband had been most of the time in Colombo and had sent money home and that he would come home from time to time. Whatever it is, she had further revealed that the husband had not come near her at any moment even to touch her. The lady who had spent a period of 8 years of marriage had on no occasion been intimate with her. The lady has complained to the police that whatever the situation was, she had noticed a particular change in her husband during the past period and because he had not been remitting her the money, as a consequence she has had to face inconvenience. Subsequently when the husband and wife were summoned to the police and an inquiry was conducted and when checking their national identity cards it was found that the national identity card of one party has been prepared in a fraudulent manner and that in sequence the suspect has prepared the national identity card in a deceptive way and thus got married.

The true name of the suspect lady who was passing her 40th year was Kusum Dissanayaka; but she had changed it to Kasun Dissanayaka. Whatever it is, according what the police say she has had the looks of a man. In this connection she was taken into custody and was produced before Matara Chief Magistrate Additional District Judge Miss Uresha de Silva yesterday (26) after which it was ordered that she be remanded until 4th of next month.

The media who went to cover this incident to Matara Courts were subjected to threats from the suspect- lady's supporters and they had been prevented even from taking photographs. In the same way, there had been influences to prevent the fact that she had personified herself.
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