Salman Kahn found guilty of having driven vehicle under drunken stupour ....
and committing murder!
5 year imprisonment
1.45 p.m.
The Indian Courts imposed a 5 year sentence of rigorous imprisonment on Salman Kahn this
afternoon at 1.27 in connection with the crime of culpable homicide committed from an accident caused by a vehicle in the year 2002.
When the case was being heard, Salman's lawyers pointed out that even already he had signed agreements amounting to over 200 crores in connection with the cinema and therefore to lessen the punishment given. However the judge mentioned that no special consideration could be given to him. As it was confirmed that he was not in possession of even a driving license at the time he was driving, he was subjected to another fine. His attorneys-at-law would be taking action to appeal against the punishment in the very near future.
12.50 p.m.
Super star Bollywood actor Salman Kahn was convicted today by Bandra Pradesh Court in India for having caused death to a person by driving negligently after being intoxicated. The punishment to be meted out to him would be announced this afternoon at 1.00 o'clock.
According to Indian Law, it is reported that as he had committed the offence while driving intoxicated, causing an accident of death, fleeing and several other offences for which he could be sentenced to a maximum punishment of 10 years.
While driving during night hours in Bandra Pradesh in September in the year 2002 a group of Muslim nationals who were sleeping on the pavement along the highway had been run over by a land cruise vehicle driven by Salman Kahn and had fled without stopping the vehicle at the moment of the accident. As a result of this accident, one person who was sleeping on the pavement near a bakery lost his life while four others faced injury. Salman Kahn who was at the steering wheel had been unable to take proper control of the vehicle at the moment of the accident since he had been highly intoxicated. His chauffeur, the bodyguard and a singer named Kamal Kahn had been in the vehicle at the time of the accident. Having given the vehicle to Salman, the chauffeur had taken the back seat.
After the accident happened which happened in 2002 the police were able to arrest Salman who had fled and having been remanded was released on bail that same year. During the period for about 13 years when this case was proceeding, he had given statements to the courts hiding and covering the fact that he had done so. Salman had throughout the whole of the past period tried to divert the case in a different direction by bringing out such points as that road was under reconstruction at the time of the accident and heaps of stones were present creating blocks to vehicles and in the process had forwarded relevant environmental reports in that connection.
It was confirmed through evidence today that Salman had tasted the liquor known as Baccardi Rum from a restaurant and then had asked the driver to sit at the back of the vehicle and instead had driven it by himself. Under these circumstances the magistrate of the courts of Bandra Pradesh concluded that Salman Kahn was guilty. It was revealed in courts that at the time of the accident Salman had steered the vehicle at a speed of 90 kms per hour under a state of intoxication.
The NDTV report this morning on this incident, from BELOW