Colombo Public library canteen sealed as worms were found within a fish ‘rottie’

Colombo Public library canteen sealed as worms were found within a fish ‘rottie’

Colombo Public library canteen sealed as worms were found within a fish ‘rottie’

There had been reports received by the Colombo municipality public health inspectors that the premises of
the Colombo public library canteen in unhygienic. A raid was carried out to ascertain the true condition of the canteen.

The other day when the raid was conducted the public health inspectors had found the fish rotty’s to emanate a peculiar smell. They had cut a few and had found some worms inside one of them.

They also had observed that all food items were not prepared and were in not in good hygienic conditions. Hence they had decided to seal the canteen.This canteen had been patronised by a large number of young men and women for studies and are used to taking meals from this canteen.The canteen authorities in order to reap higher profits had continued to sell stale food by heating in an Owen or some other manner.
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