Unforgettable lesson to youth who jumped into Diyawanna Oya

Unforgettable lesson to youth who jumped into Diyawanna Oya

Unforgettable lesson to youth who jumped into Diyawanna Oya ....

after grabbing gold necklace of young girl (video)

The gold necklace of a young girl who was
travelling on the road close to Diawanna Oya, Kotte yesterday was forcibly grabbed by a youth and when he tried to flee after the act the girl had run behind him shouting and those in the vicinity had taken a great attempt to get hold of him. As a large crowd of pursuers had been on his tracks, he had nothing other than to jump into Diyawanna Oya and make his escape.

The thief had been unable to swim much far and subsequently had reached the bank of the oya where he was cordoned by the crowd who were pursuing him. On that occasion the crowd started assaulting him and the girl, the victim, too joined in the assault mercilessly. The girl was thus able to recover the gold necklace and blood was noticed on her neck region as a bruise that occured at the time the necklace was forcibly grabbed.

How the thief was apprehended and the girl beating him is seen on the video, BELOW

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