Ranil during his visit to Jaffna intentionally ignored me - Vigneswaran

Ranil during his visit to Jaffna intentionally ignored me - Vigneswaran

Ranil during his visit to Jaffna intentionally ignored me - Vigneswaran

On the 2nd April the Chief Minister of Northern
Province C.V.Vigneswaran had attended to the opening ceremony of the new operating theatres and blood bank in Mulativu district. Speaking at this ceremony the Chief Minister had blamed the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe for intentionally disregarding him had accused him of this flaw in ignoring him. He had added that his reason would not be relevant to the public.

There had been a grudge originally which may have been the closest reason the Chief Minister had quipped. That was when the Chief Minister had made a plea to him to remove the army camps he had replied instantly that not a single army camp would be removed.

The Chief Minister Vigneswaran had been hurt as on the other day, an invitation to meet him at the meeting at the divisional secretariat was not extended to him by the Prime Minster himself and only through a representative of the Prime Minister’s office, Member of Parliament Rosy Senanayake who was however known to him as well. He emphasised that he visit was established as one that was purely political and to open party offices in Jaffna.

The Chief Minister had categorically stated that he is a peoples’ representative. His absence should be criticised as it would be very unfair by him.His reiterated that his differences with Ranil Wickremasinghe had all started with the army camp issue.

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