Massive crowds flock to open air Zoo at Pinnawela on entrance ‘Free’ day

Massive crowds flock to open Air Zoo at Pinnawela on entrance ‘Free’ day

Massive crowds flock to open air Zoo at Pinnawela on entrance ‘Free’ day

On the first day itself, after the open air Zoo at
Pinnawela was opened on the 17th instant a record crowd of twenty thousand enthusiastic people had visited the open Zoo.

The controller of the open air Zoo, Anura de Silva had quipped that it had been decided to allow people to enter free until the 1st May. However to count the number who enter the Zoo tickets would be issued free of charge.

For local visitors entrance fee priced at Rs 100/- for adults over 18 years
For children Rs 50/- below 18 years

For tourists the entrance fee would be Rs 1000/-for adults over 18 years
For children Rs 50/-below 18 years

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