Women in private sector now on par with counterparts in state sector on maternity leave allocations:
The private sector female employees were allocated 84 working days maternity leave only
for the 1st and 2nd child births while for the 3rd child it was only 42 days of maternity leave that was allowed after child birth. However in the case of state female employees they were allowed 84 days for the 3rd child also. The new allocations have been made to allow 84 working days for both state and private sector employees irrespective of the number of children born.
The incentive payment of rupees 20,000/ is to be paid to all employees in the state, private and in the estate sector. The estate sector employees were to be paid only half of the incentive payment of rupees 20,000/ at the start.
In this regard amendments to the previous instructions would be made shortly to the state and private sectors by the Minister of Justice Wijedasa Rajapaksha.