The Member of Parliament appointed to uplift the local cinema failed miserably in delivering her duties
Popular film and Tele-drama actor Arjun Kamalanath was interviewed by the tabloid
edition of last weekend Rasaduna weekend newspaper.The contents of the discussion are appended below.He without any hesitation added that the actress who was elected to uplift the cinema did not contribute even a bit to the cinematic industry.
What do you think of the cinema industry?
There is absolutely no tomorrow for the cinema industry.To uplift the cinema Members of Parliament were appointed purely for targetting the cinema to raise the standards.In addition advisers were also appointed,Ranminitenna was built but those appointed failed to deliver anything towards the industry during the tenure of the previous government.No benefit was received even worth 5 cents.Those strong got things done for themselves while the weak links unable to exploit were not benefited at all.Hence the industry has fallen down from the position they were at.Summing the correct stand nothing really has happened and changed towards any improvement.
Who is wrong?
What the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa did from his heart most of it did not down correctly along the administration paths.Those strong having narrow selfish intentions grabbed them with both hands while the weak links could not get any benefit from those channels.Apart from it there were only limited channels for them to exploit.
That is to say that today cinema is crippled?
The benefits are recieved in a small way via the private sector.In my view during the previous regime only certain actresses only close to the high officials were able to get their facials done and tyres removed from stomachs and to stay in trim and to remain attractive with a perfect figgure.
However actors were deprived of any facilities to get physical training with Gym facilities to remain in trim condition, to reduce stomachs,body building facilities,while photographers were deprived to possess modern innovative lenses and the film directors were deprived the opportunity to produce and create classy films without copying Hindi films.