Minister Rajitha, wife and two children called to courts over under age girl's problem

Minister Rajitha, wife and two children called to courts over underaged girl's problem

Minister Rajitha, wife and two children ....

called to courts over under age girl's problem

Minister of Health Rajitha Senarathna, his wife
and two sons were ordered by Colombo Supreme Courts to be present over a complaint to be inquired into concerning an underage daughter in custody having been abducted against her parent's wishes. The order says that the former mentioned have been asked to appear in courts on April 2nd.

The girl's parents have complained that Minister Rajitha's second son Eksath Senarathna had abducted the girl aged 17 years and 4 months and she had been kept as the abductor's wife. The parents participated at a media discussion recently where they said that they do not even have permission to see their daughter. Further, it was stated by them that though they complained to the police that the underaged daughter was being kept in this manner which is contradictory to the law, no justice was done.

In the meantime, at the discussion of releasing cabinet meeting discussions, a reporter had questioned Minister Rajitha about this and he had replied saying that whether right or wrong his son has only one girl, but that those who talk about this topic have one girl per day and that rapists make allegations that their children ... girls are being kidnapped.

The parents of this girl revealing information about the incident recently, from BELOW
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