I was responsible for the National Rupavahini commotion! for the orders that came from above - Mervin Silva
Former Minister Mervin Silva yesterday once
again spoke about the commotion that took place in 2007 about 8 years before this at the National Rupavahini Corporation when he joined in a feature programme yesterday in the Rupavahini Channel.
again spoke about the commotion that took place in 2007 about 8 years before this at the National Rupavahini Corporation when he joined in a feature programme yesterday in the Rupavahini Channel.
On that occasion he revealed that he created a commotion during the past government at the National Rupavahini not because he wanted to, but because of an order he received from 'above'. When questioned as to who gave him that order, without saying that it was the Ex-President, what he said was that he cannot betray the party concerned.
He was reluctant to admit that the act of the former Minister Mervin (he) who was responsible for tying a person to a tree as a stupid act, and instead mentioned at that point, that since his son is in Colombo it is a normal thing to visit night clubs and that it is an injustice to make it taboo.
The news exposed on the Hiru Hard Talk feature with ex-Minister Mervin Silva is as follows.
I didn't have a necessity to go to the National Rupavahini. I went there on an order from a high position.
Who gave that order?
I can't tell that .... then it'll be a betrayal. I won't utter a word against the President.
Then what about this story of tying up a person to a tree?
This story was something that was a wrong example given to the country. It was not I who gave that.
Actually Mr. Minister .... when that Samurdhi Niyamaka was being tied to a tree, didn't you think that it was a stupid thing that you did? Didn't you even have an atom of intelligence in you?
It's true that I'm from a rural (gode) area .... it's true that you are close to Colombo. City people don't have that much brains as 'gode' people. The second thing 'daruwo' is .... isn't it the officers who are assaulted if children die of dengue and the villagers get infuriated?
Did your son get permission from courts to go to night clubs?
No .... didn't. All those are orders of Mr. Gotabhaya, no.
University students are creating problems asking for educational reforms. The young people get onto the streets asking for jobs ... your son is asking permission from courts to go to night clubs.
When we were in the village ... we went for 'thovil geval' and 'bali geval'. There were no night clubs in the village. The child who is in Colombo .... can he go to a 'thovil gedera?' Understand those ... you ... understand that as a young man.