Minister Bandula's 'Super 5 Schools' proposal

Bandula gets bogged .... trying to establish '5 super primary' for Colombo
Getting admissions to national schools has become a big war. It is only parents of children who are in the midst of this. Politicians also try to help those whom they know for the purpose of providing admission to good schools to the children. But the politicians themselves have had to issue restrictions in cases of giving support because when such an attempt is made to admit a child, it is found that the vacancies are already filled.

National schools being filled with 'pandam' students in which instance no vacancy is available for students who have got through the scholarship exam also was heard of in the past.
Politicians instead of thinking of a methodology of developing the existing school-system; it is humorous to note that solutions are being thought of for providing solutions to the 'known crowd' who incidentally happen to be excess in number.

Last week, the Minister of Education Bandula Gunawardena had taken steps to present a cabinet paper with the intention of establishing '5 primary schools'.

What he said at the cabinet discussion was that in order to ease the congestion seen at admitting children to grade 1 in national schools, 5 national schools which cater to year 1 and year 5 classes  should be instituted in other places afresh. He also said that those studying in such schools can later be admitted to super schools from year 6 onwards.

Though this at first appears to be a solution, it was possible for anyone to understand clearly as to what was going to be done. At the time this proposition was presented, parliamentarians did not comment about it in a favourable manner. Members of parliament began to speak in a critical tone querying what happened to the 1000 secondary schools, the 5000 primary schools and so on. Though Minister Bandula was giving ear to the protests, he did not utter a word.    

The Hon President who was listening to all this said, "There is no need to build 5 new schools. Take 5 schools from the Provincial Council and develop those and see. Talk with the Provincial Council and find a solution".

Minister Bandula then folded up his 'primary 5' proposal.
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