A case is reported from Hatton recently of a modern Kisagothami where a mother kept hugging and giving warmth to her daughter not willing to accept that her daughter had definitely died from a landslide.
It was last Friday that a large landslide was reported as having cascaded onto a row of shops near the access point to the railway station at the centre of the town of Hatton as a result of a landslide.
On this occasion a mother and her 2 children and her brother who were lodging in one of the shops were covered by the landslip. People in the neighbourhood later had got together and after rescuing the victims had admitted them to the hospital.
The said mother and her brother however have not suffered much injury; but the 4 year old daughter of the mother had died in the process. The deceased daughter and the other daughter who were injured were admitted to Dickoya Base Hospital and on that occasion the mother rushed to inquire as to what happened to her children. On that occasion she came to hear that one of her daughters had passed away. But the mother whose warmth the dead child has being enjoying a few hours previously had left the world forever .... which fact the mother did not want to accept.
Instead of laying the dead child on the bed, she had begun to lull the body which was lifeless, giving her the warmth she would give a living body .... expressing her motherly affection;thus bringing a sense of sadness to everyone who was watching the scene.
Photos and video of the incident shown below