Sewmini commits suicide over obscene photo-chip issue -- Updates

Letter written by Sewmini of Ragama before death ....
pleads for renewal of friendship with Sugeetha and Kavinga teachers

A note left in the offerings-box near St. Sebastian's statue In Hapugoda Church, Kandana where student Sewmini Apeksha committed suicide by jumping in front of a train in Ragama, having been terribly disappointed and scared being threatened  over an issue of a memory-chip containing photos of homosexual behaviour between 2 teachers  leaking out, has been found written in her own handwriting.

This letter was written by her at a time when she was being isolated over the memory-chip issue getting
dragged on and on was not something written on the day that she committed suicide. Sewmini who showed skill in studies as well as sports had conducted herself in a close-knit manner with teachers of her school. However, because of this issue she has had to severe connections with Sugeetha and Kavinga teachers who were connected to the homosexual issue and have constantly had to face blame from them had as a result, in order to find consolation for that disappointment had written that note appealing to God. The note written by Sewmini is as follows: "Aney oh Lord .... can't you see the embarassment and insults I am facing in this village school. Aney Jesus .... give me permission to behave myself well from next month, of God! Tell me whether everything that I do is right or wrong oh God! Give me permission to forget the pain which came my way with all problems and injustice in the year 2013 and give me permission to be a pleasant child to everybody in future. Sugeetha teacher scolds me everytime wherever she sees me, the way I behave in school. Because of that I most humbly appeal to You by worshipping at Your feet oh God not to leave room any day in future to be a victim of such behaviour in school for any reason from her or a teacher from the staff and be scolded. You know oh Lord that the charming friendship which began between I and Sugeetha teacher and Kavinga teacher came to an end on an unexpected date, don't you? Aney Lord .... in the same way I know because both of them got angry with me You are aware of the pain and hurt they gave me. Aney Devi Rajanani .... I don't have the strength to bear that sorrow anymore. So, from the month that starts tomorrow .... I ask from You with great love and kindness oh Lord to once again make them get friendly with me in an unexpected way. Aney God .... in the same way tell me how to enjoy with my friends in school, modestly, obediently and in a manner suitable for a girl.  Aney oh God Father .... because my name has been tarnished among teachers in my school, explain the truth of right and wrong on some thoughts that they entertain about me and I honestly ask that they and all others be shown what sort of a person I am. Give me permission to behave as a very obedient, modest  good child from today. I handover every fire burning within me, sorrow and problems to You. I most humbly beg of Your loving pure Mother Virgin Mary, St. Sebastian, St. Anthony and from Santhanam Meniyan, Virgin Mary full of miracles and from You oh Lord to solve all that .... to pacify all hearts and to bring to an end all sorrows. Amen.

Give me permission to behave myself well from today. I also ask that I be given permission to make friends with the 2 teachers. Amen Jesus.  

It is made clear from the evidence of this letter too, written in her own handwriting that she had been unable to bear the tremendous mental pressure inflicted on her by the female teacher of the school that she had jumped in front of the train and committed suicide.

15 year old Sewmini Apeksha who was living in Podikumbura area in Ragama has one elder sister and one younger brother.

The parents were unaware until the day dawned when she was to commit suicide and till the 2 teachers spoke in the presence of her uncle on the day of the incident until which time it had remained a secret.

This issue had begun about 6 months before only when she had told a teacher in the school that she knew about a chip-card containing some lewd photos of another teacher. The information which fell on the ears of the teacher concerned had upset her and she had severely punished the girl and had even conveyed this to Sugeetha teacher and Kavinga teacher who were connected to the incident. Subsequently she was directed to the Principal and the girl was questioned regarding it in which instance she had got scared and told that she does not know about a chip-card with such photos. Because of suspicion that she was lieing, it was pressure that she had to face right along after that from school.

How Sewmini got this chip from the 'baas' is still not known. It is friends of Sewmini in the school who talk about it. Information regarding it still on an investigation level.

Has the chip which was in Sewmini's possession gone into somebody else's hands? This too is a question which still remains unanswered. The reason why those 2 teachers got upset is obviously because such an incident took place in reality.

When the 2 teachers went to her house to retrieve the chip-card in the company of the girl, only her uncle had been in the house and he had told the niece to hand it over if at all it was there in her possession. While Sewmini Apeksha was not able to find the chip even in the house, she had promised in the presence of her uncle to the two teachers that she would hand it over that evening. When questioned, "What is it Miss .... is there an obscene scene in it?" the teacher had replied saying, "That is of no use no .... I won't be able to live in this village .... this has somehow to be found".

After that, the teacher had once again escorted the girl to school and later to the Principal's room and rooms of other teachers as well where she had been thoroughly reprimanded and subsequently, in the midst of threats and shouts of the Principal Sewmini had become absolutely disappointed. That day, after school was over at 1.30 in the afternoon, without going home had made a beeline to Ragama, Walpola area and thus put an end to her life by jumping in front of a moving train.

While the deceased girl's relatives staged a protest in front of the school after this incident of suicide, Sugeetha teacher and Kavinga teacher were both transferred t another school until this issue relating to them were investigated.

A letter written by Sewmini to Jesus Christ pleading for a solution was found in the offerings-box near the statue of St. Sebastian in Hapugoda, Kandana in relation to the pressures inflicted on her by teachers of the school. The letter was found by the person who collects the offerings in the box at the beginning of this month and he had put it back into the box.

This incident of suicide was reported on the 6th. After news of the suicide the man had handed over the said letter to the girl's relatives. What the girl's relatives told was that they would hand over the letter to the police. Information regarding the chip-card containing obscene acts of the 2 teachers of the school has still not been reported.

Previous report on the incident by Gossip Lanka -- Teacher scolds for fear of photos which 'baas' took by peeping into room leaking out ... and student commits suicide!
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