Nehara -- Menaka second marriage

Second marriage of Nehara -- Menaka .... in secret

The second marriage of both tele-drama actress Nehara Pieris and actor Menaka Rajapaksha took place yesterday (Jan 28) at Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo in public ... but with a touch of secrecy.

The only reason for both parties to separate from their earlier marriages was the attachment that built up between the two of them. Though the media queried them on this topic right
throughout the past; the two of them avoided the media saying, "No .... no". Menaka was the father of one daughter and he was divorced from that marriage while Nehara on the other hand had left her husband with whom he had a long-term affair and obtained a divorce from that marriage. 

The media was prohibited yesterday at the wedding celebrations, understandably because Nehara and Menaka uniting in this manner being broadcast across the media may cause some hurt to their earlier spouses as well as the children.However, artistes and a crowd of relations had been publicly invited with the ceremony being conducted in secret.

Below are some photos Gossip Lanka received of the wedding ceremony. 30 photos from HERE

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