Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne's arrival in parliament yesterday (Nov 20) and coming forward to express his ideas to the media in relation to the budget was an enjoyable one. Since he listened only partially to the questions raised by the media and even answered them partially, it created some laughter among the media personnel.
The moment when the question about animal food was taken up was one such instance. A media representative posed the question, "Tax concessions have been provided by the budget ... for 10 items. One of the 10 items is dog food. What is your idea about it?
As the Minister was short of hearing, an official who was nearby assisted him by repeating the question .... and having not understood it properly,the Prime Minister had quipped, "Ah... vehicles ... isn't it?"
The helping officer: "No ... no.. about articles which concessions have been given".
Prime Minister: "For what things are concessions given?"
The helping officer: "He says that concessions have been given to dog food also. He asks what you wish to talk about it.
Prime Minister: "Ah .... that's good no? The dog is an animal which is of special use to man. Why are dogs reared? .... To escape from one's enemies.When a police officer went to Mr. Senanayaka's walauwwa, a horse had bitten him. How would a dog bite if it was there?Therefore, it's a great thing to support dogs this way".
Video of this speech, BELOW