Media prohibits from going to North
How Dr. Chris Nonis spoke for his country ....
when CNN questioned him on behalf of Tigers
During the period when CHOGM was conducted in Colombo, the world was focused on Sri Lanka while several strong overseas media elements acted with the principle of attacking Sri Lanka according to the whims and fancies of pro-Tiger elements.
They had conveyed that truth was hidden by saying that certain leaders boycotted the Meeting because of the war crimes issue and some mediamen who were travelling to the North were prohibited from going there. A number of American and British television channels had broadcast programmes publicising these opinions.
In the meantime, in the interview conducted live by CNN channel of America with Sri Lankan High Commissioner of Britain, Dr. Nonis who was at that time in Sri Lanka created some uproar. He successfully managed to counter the arguments directed at him continuously by the CNN announcer by revealing and explaining the true picture of Sri Lanka.
Seen below is that interview. The video carrying sub-titles of the discussion is sen below.
*Are you surprised at the allegations aimed at your country from
No ... the present situation has to be understood. We were able to bring to a close the terrorist war which continued for 28 years; that was successfully achieved under the leadership of the Hon. President Mahinda Rajapaksha. Finally we were able to release ourselves from the grip of terrorism.
But what we have to understand is that those who made an effort to help nourish terrorism during the period when terrorism was active in that era, have now launched a war of propagating false rumours with certain political motives behind their back. It is not surprising that such a storm of propaganda is taking place This of course is something that we were aware of for a number of years. Under the rehabilitation process this propaganda war would draw a blank within a short time.
*It is true that the process you spoke of should go forward ... but at the close of the war, the finger is pointed at war crimes. There are accusations that shell attacks were directed at war-liberated zones.Why is an impartial investigation taking place be prevented?
The reason for that is, that we respect the independence and sovereignty of your country. We believe that you would respect the independence and sovereignty of our country too. We do not need an international investigation. We have an ancient civilization which runs into a period of over 2500 years. We have an educated nation. Therefore, if there is a necessity to conduct an investigation on a national level, we have the ability to do so. Look at the LLRC committee appointed to look into incidents which happened during the war. It is a broad and impartial report. If you come to Sri Lanka, you will be able to see the progress we have made.
Look at what we have done since the end of the war in 2009. The A9 route is once more available. The Emergency Law was abolished. We had a total of 2 lakhs and 97,000 who were unsettled .....
*Okay ... okay ... I would not say that there was no progress after the war ... but there are some more steps to implement for re-establishment. If justice does not operate ... there is no use of re-establishment. Still the Tamil community in your country make allegations that justice has not been done ... that their Human Rights are still being violated. Several video clips keep emerging in respect of these issues. Because of this ... isn't there a necessity for an international investigation? Hasn't this been thought of at a time like this when a Meeting is in progress?
The LLRC Commission does not operate on a basis where people are subjected to punishment. It is based on a rehabilitation form of justice. There is an opportunity where everybody is able to know what took place .... victims as well as offenders get a chance. That is the crux of it. It is similar to the TRC Commission of South Africa.
*It is important that all factors are brought before the table and to find out what really happened at the end of the conflict. Don't the Tamil community have such a necessity?
It is very important. I told you earlier also that a rehabilitation form of justice is done by the LLRC Commission. That is the first point. The second point is that you say that justice was not done to these people who were subjected to suffering. That is an utter lie. Those allegations are being brought against us throughout the past 4 years by just a handful of people. They are those who belong to a number of parties belonging to one group or association. If you look into this carefully, you will see that these groups consist of those who invested in terrorism and had made it a business. That business is no more. You should understand properly what is implied by these serious criticisms. Such things surface through small groups of the diaspora and a handful of those working according to an agenda and draw funds belonging to certain associations.
*You say that you are being criticised by a minority of the diaspora ... but there are State leaders who have not attended the CHOGM for the very reason that it is being held in your country. Prime Ministers of India and Canada refrained from participating at the Meeting .... though the British Prime Minister did participate, he made serious allegations. They say that crimes took place in the year 2009 ... with conviction.
There is something interesting with regard to those three countries that you spoke of.Just see in what countries the biggest number of diaspora members are ... where they are the wealthiest and strongest. Those are three of the five countries where the diaspora is the strongest. That then is my answer to you. Every leader in every country has to work according to their internal national political interpretations. Certain factors that emerge have to be subjected to consideration in a circumspect manner to conform to it. We can understand that. Since they are politicians, in every country there is pressure imposed by voters of that country. We respect practical, live form of democracy. What is taking place is that.
*You say that you respect democracy. Then you should respect freedom of speech. But why do you harass the media that come to your country? For example .... when they tried to go to the North, wherever they went ... protestors came behind them. Isn't this in the subject of media of Sri Lanka?
I of course did not know that they were restricted. What you are talking about is opposition from one party towards another, isn't it? When various groups come to your country also this is the same thing that happens. Why are our leaders subjected to continuous harassment? Both these incidents happen within the framework of democracy.It will not become an issue.
Video of discussion with sub-titles, from BELOW