Former supreme court judge and chief minister of the Northern province, Mr. C.V. Vigneshwaran took his oaths this morning in the presence of the President, Hon. Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksha.
Though there was a rumour earlier that the Hon. President was to go to the North and attend to this oaths ceremony,that decision was changed as a result of a discussion with the leader of the TNA, Mr. R. Sambandan. The decision taken by Sambandan, Suhanthiran and Vigneshwaran to take their oaths in the presence of of the Hon. President according to their own wishes created a problematic situation that such an act would be loss of dignity as viewed by some members of their Party. It was reported that the Gen. Secretary of the TNA, Mr. Mavai Senadhiraja was disappointed over this issue and had left to India on the 4th of last month. He as well as another stalwart of the Party, Suresh Premachandra, member of parliament have expressed their strong opposition over this matter.
Whatever it is, Vigneshwaran arrived at Temple Trees today in the company of his nieces. He engaged in a very cordial exchange of ideas at the Temple Trees and obeying the Hon. President, took his oaths. The occasion was graced by TNA leader R. Sambandan, M.A. Sumandiran and A. Vinayagamoorthi, member of parliament.
Mr. C.V. Vigneshwaran was successful in claiming the highest number of preferential votes (1,32,255) for his Party, Ilangai Tamil Arasu at the Northern provincial PC elections in Jaffna district held sometime ago.
The Pictures of the event, below