Prince Charles in Sri Lanka
Prince to be accompanied by a team of 50 ... including beauticians, cooks and 'appus' for CHOGM
A group of 50 persos areexpected to arrive in Sri Lanka in the company of Prince Charles, heir to the crown of Britain to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. With Charles would be Camilla Parker. Among the group are, 12 from the royal security, a doctor, cooks, attendants, a beautician and a team of mediamen who are to arrive here. Prince Charles would be visiting India prior to his arrival in Sri Lanka and he would be spending a period of 5 days in Sri Lanka. It was also however reported that he would not receive the benefit of the official royal plane of the queen for this journey. It was also reported that under these circumstances Prince Charles has had to hire another plane belonging to British Airways.
The Prince would be spending his stay here in Sri Lanka from November 13 - 18 at a location prepared for him at Rosmead Place where Mrs.Sirimavo Bandaranaike's house is situated.
In the process, the Prince's birthday happens to fall on November 14th. As such, he would inevitably have to celebrate his birthday in Sri Lanka. This would be Prince Charles's 65th birthday and even by now an order has been placed to celebrate it at the Tintergel Hotel in Colombo7. Apart from this, the Hon. President Mahinda Rajapaksha and the British High Commission is prepared to hold a function separately to celebrate the birthday of Prince Charles.
Though Prince Charles would be in Sri Lanka to represent the British Royal family,it is Prime Minister Cameron who would be participating at the Meeting. Little importance is to be devoted to the Meeting during the 5 day tour of Prince Charles. It is reported that as a matter of custom Prince Charles does not participate in opening the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting; this is the first occasion when such an event takes place in Sri Lanka.
He hopes to visit the Dalada Maligawa in Kandy after opening the Meeting and is also expected to make a tour to the Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya. It was further reported that he would be making a visit to see the tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya and also make a surveillance tour to assess the progress of the Tsunami projects in Batticaloa.
In the meantime, the foundation stone would be laid for a branch of the Lancashire University of Britain in Mirigama for the first time and it would be done under the supervision of Prince Charles, it is reported.