All 4 individuals who were accused of having collectively raped a young girl, a medical student inside a bus in Delhi, India last year in December which created a great sensation were sentenced to a death penalty today by the Indian courts.
It is reported that at the moment when the death sentence was announced, one of the accused broke down in tears in courts. On imposing the judgment, the judge said that because of this unfortunate incident, the conscience of the entire public of India had been subject to great shock.
The wedding of this medical student who was just 23 years old was sceduled to take place and arrangements had already been made last February . Two weeks after she had been subject to this rape inside a bus by a group of youth, she passed away in Singapore. She had faced this tragedy after having gone to see a film with her fiance and had got into a bus from New Delhi in his company to proceed home. A few moments after she had seated herself in the bus she had sensed that something queer was taking place inside the bus. The bus had deviated towards another direction instead of the usual direction in which it was supposed to ply while the doors of the vehicle were shut with the rest of the passengers inside.
This rape was committed with the rest of the passengers including the conductor and the driver of the bus. When the girl and the fiance had looked around in amazement as to why the doors were shut, a sudden blow had been dealt on the head of the boy with an iron rod while the girl was taken away towards the rear part of the bus and then for about 4 hours she had been raped brutally by a group of 4 young men.
As a result of the girl putting up a strong fight to get away from them, in order to bring her under control to appease their base desires, they had dealt her several blows with an L-shaped iron wheel-jack which had seriously damaged her kidneys and a number of locations of her brain.
After all this torture, the the couple had been left on a street in New Delhi for about 4 hours, naked, when they had been found by people in the area.
She was subsequently hospitalised and about 3 operations performed on her after which she was taken to Singapore and admitted to Mount Elizabeth Hospital but was unable to save her life because of her serious condition. She passed away 13 days after the incident of rape, most unfortunately.
Because of this gruesome and barbarous rape the whole of India were subject to emotional sensation for about 2 weeks. Public protests began to emerge about the instability of the safety of women.
The name of this 23 year old medical student who died was hidden from the media continuously and when posters were designed by protestors in India, her name was written as 'Amanath' and 'Nirbheetha' in a pseudonymous way.
As a consequence of this incident, a massive dialog began to surface all over India in relation to harassment to women. But unfortunately, on the contrary, within 8 months that elapsed after this rape incident, several similar incidents were reported from various quarters of India.
Since the verdict on these suspects over this incident was to be announced today, several protests were seen all across India, compelling the government to implement justice. In the end, the request made was to sentence all four accused to death.
It was 'Nirbheetha's mother who first of all expressed her consolation to the media about the verdict given over the four accused. The NDTV video below shows how she expressed this comment after the death penalty was imposed.